How to animate state change in Svelte

Published Jan 11, 2024

Edited Jan 12, 2024

Svelte is amazing, and in this article we will go through how you can animation/transition between components in svelte.

If you’re to do this with CSS, you will find it almost impossible if what you’re changing is not a CSS property. With the recent development in view-transitions-api, we’re moving to a phase were it going to become easier to do this.


we can achieve this with the {#key …} block, which is part of the super useful list of logic blocks Svelte provides.

view the complete list of logic blocks here

The {#key …} is not built specifically for animating or transition, but it listens to changes in the expression changes and it destroys and recreate it content whenever the expression changes changes.

With this advantage, we can create a transition either using svelte built in transitions capabilities or make a custom one with CSS.


This simple syntax for this is:

{#key value}
	<div transition:fade>{value}</div>

Here we are going to wrap our content around the key and we’re going apply a slide transition whenever the image changes.

	let images = ['/carousel.png', '/carousel1.png', '/carousel2.png', '/carousel3.png'];

	let currentIndex = 0;
	let image = images[currentIndex];

	onMount(() => {
		// Start the carousel
		interval = setInterval(() => {
			currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % images.length;
			image = images[image];
		}, 3000);

		{#key image}
			<div transition:slide>
				<img src={image} alt="" />
Interactive demo

Carousel Demo

*Current animation : slidey

One thing I want to clarify is that, in both examples, no just values can be passed to the key, you can also feed it an expression, and will perform the same.

Svelte is beautiful, I love it, if you’re here, you definitely love it too. Share the knowledge with others that might find it useful.

Peace ✌️

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